Signed in as:
The season of Lent is a month away, but we want you to know that preparations are underway to find ways for you to participate in the spiritual journey this season has to offer all of us. Below are some up-coming opportunities for you to ponder and consider being a part of.
Join us in the Sanctuary for an Ash Wednesday service of music, silence and contemplation, scripture, engagement, dispensing of ashes…
These are just some of the ways we come into God’s presence and start our journey of Lent for the next 40 days.
We want to put together some small groups that can meet in people’s homes, the church or an agreed upon space, to share a scripture, a short devotion, discussion questions as well as check in on one another and a closing prayer. The groups would meet once a week for the 6-weeks of Lent. The scripture, devotion, questions, etc., will be provided and are easily downloaded from a computer link.
We need those who are interested to sign-up by calling the church office, emailing either the church office or Pastor Mark and letting us know of your interest. Our deadline is Friday, February 21st.
If you want to be with certain people (for your comfort level) please let us know that as well and hopefully, you have talked with them first! We will put together the groups and then give you the two options we are going to suggest for your group time. You make the decision on the resource and the time and place for your group.
There are also resources for families, couples, individuals, who feel pressed in by time and other commitments. Let us know what works best for you and we will share a link that you can check out and see if it’s a good fit for you and/or your family unit. If it looks like you want to access it, you can download it from that same link.
If you have questions, reach out to Pastor Mark.
Back by popular demand, we will publish a Lenten calendar for the March Windows with a word for each day of Lent. Your assignment, is to find a photo that you associate with that daily word and post it to the Church’s Facebook Group Page. No explanation is necessary, just the picture itself. We will use some of these images in some kind of slideshow during the worship services during Lent as a response to the sermon and/or Lenten theme for that day.
In the March Windows we will have updates on Holy Week and what we are planning for during that time. Stay tune and in the loop. We are committed to your spiritual care and nurture. We are committed to helping all us mature in our faith walk with Christ. One step at a time.
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